
ala lang...

One quote defined love. It says, "love means falling but not stumbling, being constant but not too persistent, sharing and never being unfair, understanding and trying not to demand, and hurting without keeping the pain." We lose someone we love only when we are destined to be with someone else who can love us even more than we can love ourselves. "Don't find love, let love find you." Cliché but true...it comes without banners. As for signs, well...that's another story... That's why it's called falling in love; because you don't force yourself to fall in love--YOU JUST FALL! YOU JUST FALL REAL HARD!=)


At 9:13 AM, Blogger KC said...

a feeling fades when time comes. love is a feeling. therefore, love fades.. but true love doesn't. why? no one could ever explain what true loves trully is because it is a mystery... wala lang..


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